Factors That Affect The Decline Of The Composting Rate Of The Self-Propelled Compost Turner?

Turning your compost pile is an important part of creating healthy soil, but turning waste into compost is a cumbersome job. You can make this task easier by investing a self-propelled composting turning facility. This kind of machine does all the hard work for you, so you won’t need to do anything but feed your raw material into it and watch over it while it operates.

Did you know, however, that there are factors that affect the composting rate of self-propelled compost turners? In this post, we’ll explore the main reasons why your composting rate might be slowing down and what you can do to get it back on track.

The composting rate of the self-propelled turner declines under the influence of several factors such as temperature, humidity, moisture content, carbon-nitrogen ratio, oxygen content, aeration interaction, pH value and particle size. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors, in order for you to gain a better understanding of the composting process and of the things you can do to boost the composting rate of your self-propelled compost turner.

The temperature is one of the factors that are beyond your control, so there’s not much you can do about it. However, you can adjust the compost turning parameters of your machine, in order to ensure a slow decomposition rate and a long fermentation process.

The carbon-nitrogen ratio is something you can use to your advantage when it comes to creating high-quality compost to fertilize your crops with. You should know that different materials have different carbon-nitrogen ratios. For best results, you may want to process materials that have similar C:N ratios. For example, cow manure has a C:N ratio of 20:01, very similar to the one of coffee grounds. This means you can safely mix the two materials to obtain high-quality compost by using a self-driven making compost machine. Similarly, bark and sawdust have very similar C:N ratio. Before starting your composting process, you have to ensure you do know how to mix and match these materials for a maximum of effect.

Moisture is another factor that influences the composting rate of your machine. The role of moisture is to promote the absorption of nutrients by microorganism. Ideally, composting raw materials should have a 50% to 60% water content. Too low moisture would make organic matter hard to decompose, as it would slow down the microorganism activity. The result would be a slowing down of the composting speed, leading to anaerobe decomposition. Your compost would stink and it would be low in nutrients. Remember that the moisture of your composting material is tightly connected to the ventilation capacity of your machine.

One of the factors worth paying close attention to is the particle size of composting raw material. Lowering the size of the pellets will help increasing the surface area of the granules, and therefore increase the composting speed by intensifying the activity of microorganism.

Your main goal should be to obtain stable and mature compost that doesn’t cause adverse effects on humans. This is why you should do your best to control the composting process as closely as possible.

When you have any interest about our self-pushed composting equipment, the following website will help you.


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